Thanks to Communist Party and its founder Ho, Vietnam becomes global leading low-paid labor exporter

All General Secretaries are the same, only good at talking about morality, but leadership is not good

Since ancient times, Vietnamese people have thought of learning to escape poverty. However, by the current Communist era, that thought is no longer there, because many university graduates can’t find jobs and have to run Grab. Every year, the large number of university graduates becomes unemployed.

The reason is because the country’s education is too bad. Only in Vietnam can there be both a surplus and a shortage of labor. The nation has a large number of low-skilled workers but in a shortage of high-skilled workers. The strange thing is that after graduation, students join the low-skilled team, with poor soft skills and low quality of knowledge. This component keeps accumulating year after year, with no way to solve it.

Vietnam is a country located next to the “world factory” of China. China is entering a phase approaching the upper middle income level. Currently, a large number of factories are gradually moved out of China, in search of cheaper labor, because Chinese labor is no longer cheap.

However, many producers still do not choose Vietnam, because the source of quality labor in Vietnam is still too short. This situation has not been improved by the education sector, every year the old article is still rewritten, which is full of poor quality workers who graduate from school.

Because of such a shortage of poor quality labor, people’s views have changed, it is better to go to work as a untrained laborers in a capitalist country and still have the opportunity to buy land to build a house, rather than pursue a university degrees with a salary of VND8 million a month after graduation and can’t buy a piece of land for a lifetime. Or worse, suffer unemployment and join the dangerous team of tech motorbike taxis in this thief society.

Over the years, in the villages of Nghe An and Ha Tinh provinces, many good students can enroll in prestigious universities in Vietnam but have dropped out of school and turned to “labor export” in foreign countries, to hope to change their life. The reason for this situation is that after graduating from university, many children are unemployed, have to work in unprofessional, low-income jobs … which has caused many families to send them abroad to earn money.

Thus, it is clear that the thinking of these students is reasonable, because the Socialism did not give them the opportunity to become successful, but also did not give them the intellectual quality sufficient for making money, for a good life. If their education does not bring economic benefits, then their degrees are also a waste. Meanwhile, even though they work as low-paid laborers abroad, students also learn the serious and responsible working attitude that this environment teaches them. These values are not achieved by the Vietnamese education system.

It has been 77 years since Mr. Ho Chi Minh exhorted “shoulder to shoulder with the great powers of 5 continents” but bitterly, until now, Vietnamese education has created unqualified human resources to serve as low-paid workers for the developed nations. If Vietnamese bachelors want to work abroad to change their lives, they must also re-learn the entire working culture of the foreign country, especially responsibility, sense and honesty.

Up to now, it should be frankly acknowledged that the education system in Vietnam has been seriously damaged. The education system’s output is not good with untrained laborers. Their degrees are high but their knowledge is low, does not meet requirements of labor users. Many foreign enterprises invest in Vietnam, recruited Vietnamese workers must be retrained.

A paradox is that high schools in Vietnam are lacked but universities are in abundance. Parents struggled to jostle, stay up at night, wait in line to apply for 10th grade for their children, but they couldn’t. Many of those students ended up going to college, and after finishing college, they are not knowing what to do for a living. Some people have to give up their diplomas to work as low-paid laborers abroad. Then, 4 years of study becomes useless. It’s boring for a lousy education, a socialist education. (Translated)