When greed goes with development policy, countless other projects like Long Son Container Port will emerge!

By extinguishing the people of Hai Ha, the Party will be more confident in overthrowing the people’s rice bowl

Hell is a place full of greed, deceit and crime. The Vietnamese people are living under the rule of the Communist Party, which is no different from living in hell. Every day, people have to work hard and do a lot but their lives are still miserable because their taxes go to support the Party, to contribute money indirectly to officials to build mansions, to send their children to study abroad, and even to buy foreign citizenship.

Mr. Nguyen Van Thieu once said, “Don’t listen to what the Communists say, look at what the Communists do” so just look at the slogans that the Communists promote, and understand the opposite, it’s almost correct. The Communist Party once called itself the monstrous ideology that they are leading the entire nation to follow “Socialist paradise” then this place is truly hell. Writer Duong Thu Huong realized this hoax and wrote the work Blind Paradise (Thiên Đường Mù), for which she was reprimanded by the Communists and imprisoned.

Today, the Communist Party raises slogans for the people, but they harm the people to the point of misery. They have a powerful police force and propaganda to direct the press to portray the truth for the Party. They have batons, courts, and prosecutors to condemn victims. With everyone joining in on the same policy led by the Party, it is very easy for the Party to suppress all voices demanding fairness from the people.

With bottomless greed combined with power in hand, and the freedom to make policies, at that time, greed will masquerade as national development policy and run wild. There have been many policies in the name of serving the people and the country, but in reality they are only for the gain of the party and its members. The Viet A case also took advantage of billions in the name of people’s health, and the rescue flight case also robbed people’s pockets in the name of stranded people, at a time when they were most in need. Only when the truth is exposed will the mask fall.

During Nguyen Tan Dung’s time, he also established groups and corporations in the name of the country’s development, then arranged for members of interest groups to take power in them. When he issued this policy, he confidently called it “iron fists.” As a result, how these “iron fists” have shattered the Vietnamese economy, and how they have fed corrupt officials to embezzle, is clear to the people.

The Long Son Container Port construction project is also a type of policy, in which greed masquerades as a country’s economic development project for profit. Development is nowhere to be seen, only people lose their means of living, while officials gain significant benefits from bribery from the project developers.

When officials use policy to make money for themselves, they can also use public power to crush people’s opposition. Policy corruption is dangerous because it is using the state apparatus to serve group interests.

Greed is like a DNA of the Communist Party, most specifically the Party is determined to take the entire country’s resources into its own hands, rather than sharing the right to lead the country with any other political tendency. If that’s not greed, then what is? From the greed for power comes today’s greed for materialism. Eliminating greed among Communists is impossible.

If you make policies with personal benefits in mind, there will never be an end to unjust people, there will never be an end to Dong Tam, there will never be an end to Thu Thiem and there will never be an end to Long Son. By using greed as policy, the Party is eating sugar cane and then releasing the residue into society. The sweet sugarcane juice is enjoyed by the Party and officials, while the trash is pushed to the people.

Living under this regime, anyone can become an unjust citizen.

Thoibao.de (Translated)