Boxers throw dangerous blows at each other in Hanoi, hoping to receive favor from China!

The match between Minister of Public Security To Lam and Chairman of Vietnam’s legislative body National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue has ended. Hue’s situation was tragic, there was no way to cure it. Lam’s position is like splitting bamboo. After eliminating Vo Van Thuong from the State President position, Lam did not need to rest and continued to attack Hue. It is possible that Lam has made a list to eliminate the Four Pillars, allowing him to advance to the highest position of the party chief without any resistance.

Never before has Vietnam’s political scene been as chaotic as it is now, with elites fighting for power. The economy is paralyzed, the people are miserable, businesses are at difficulties but no leader cares. Both the Politburo and the Party Central Committee are only interested in taking positions for the next term. The strong fight to take the higher posts while the weak fight to keep their positions. At this point, besides the goal of power, they have no other goal. Because once they lose your position, making money through corruption will end, and they may even have to go to jail.

The Politburo and the Party Central Committee are like arenas, with factions fighting wildly, beating each other to the point of bleeding. Even fighting without looking at the side, the person closest to the throne, and the relationships around them, will be hit the hardest. Between Hue and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Hue is determined to be closer to the General Secretary, because for a long time, Hue was considered the person chosen by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to train and inherit. That is also the reason why To Lam decided to fight Hue first, instead of fighting his traditional opponent PM Chinh.

It is ironic for the word “independence” that the Party has been proud of and trumpeted for so many years. For power and money, each leader took the opportunity to visit China and seek support from Beijing. Before launching dangerous blows against his “comrades,” Lam also went to China. When Hue was cornered, he also went there.

Thus, in the Party, whether it is the strong who want to take over someone else’s seat, or the weak who are in danger of being eliminated, they all bow to Beijing. The entire Party can only look to China to seek salvation for its political fate.

Once, the strongest person in the political arena still has the ideology of praying to China to ensure his political power, how can weaker forces escape this attitude?  That’s why, in Xi Jinping’s eyes, the Hanoi arena is like a chicken coop, holding a bunch of fighting cocks. Xi just sat outside and observed this chicken coop, choosing the best chicken to be his henchman.

Xi chose to do exactly that for the match between Lam and Hue. Although both of them went to Beijing to please him, he did not make it clear which one he chose. He let these two fighting cocks fight, whichever cock won he chose.

With the current chaotic situation at the top, the Vietnamese people cannot hope for a stable and developed nation. Because once the leadership only worries about fighting and fighting for power, how can they have the mind and strength to care for the people and the country? Furthermore, to seek power, they do not rely on the people, but seek to rely on foreigners, meaning they do not trust the people and are not on the side of the people’s interests. To put it bluntly, they have done things that harm the people and the country, so they are afraid that the people will know, afraid that the people will not believe them, and from then on they do not dare to believe or rely on the people.

Recently, leaders of two famous American technology companies visited Vietnam and were warmly welcomed. But they chose Indonesia as a place to invest money. This shows that they do not believe in the political stability that Vietnam always brags about.

Using diplomatic language, these CEOs did not say directly that Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party was in chaos, but they responded with action.

A chaotic Communist Party will lead to social instability and obstacles for businesses, at least in administrative procedures, which is now clearly shown through the “inaction” of civil servants. Investors leave, only the people bear the consequences, the country suffers, while officials from low to high levels still find ways to make a profit.


Hoang Phuc –