Afraid of China’s acquisition- Vietnam is working on bills

In the context of a series of countries in the world acting aggressively to prevent the wave of Chinese enterprises acquisition, Vietnam is a country close to China and has a very close trade relationship with the giant country and…
Vietnam ratifies EVFTA, seeking to reduce dependence on China

Nearly 95% of the legislators of Vietnam’s National Assembly voted in the process of approving the two agreements with the EU: the Free Trade Agreement and the Investment Protection Agreement. After the Vietnamese parliament completes the procedure for ratifying the…
China is determined to chase – Vietnam prepares to fight

At the May 2020 briefing meeting of the Ministry of Defense held in Hanoi on June 1, Vietnamese Defense Minister Ngo Xuan Lich recently warned about “complicated developments in the Eat Sea (South China Sea)” and asked the army “to…
South China Sea: China and its plan to announce ADIZ

China will face severe consequences and major disadvantage if unilaterally and illegally announces an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the East Sea (South China Sea), according to Tran Cong Truc, a former head of the Vietnamese Government Border Committee.…